Hello! I am Ray Berry.
I am an iOS developer with experience in Swift, SwiftUI, Combine and Xcode. I am always looking for new opportunities. If you have any iOS Developer roles, please get in touch using the contact details shown.

Simple design counting app. This app allows the ability to count using simple + and - buttons. Limits can be set and the background colour changes to red when the limit has been set.
Technical key features :
• Using SwiftUI
• XCTest and XCUITest
• Use of SF Symbols

Planning poker app. This app can be used in the Agile Scrum process for estimating work.
Technical key features :
• Using Swift and UIKit
• Collection Views
Inventory Management App

This App allows you to track inventory to assist with home insurance or moving house. The App will be available on the App Store soon.
Technical key features :
• User Authentication (Face ID recognition and passcode entry)
• Table views and custom cells
• Core graphics and animation
• Core data
• UIimagepickers to choose photos from camera or photo library
Augmented Reality Apps

Experience using Augmented Reality in various Apps. Overlaying objects from the digital world onto the real world.
Technical key features :
• Use of ARKit and SceneKit
• Use of ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
• Use of USDZ formats

Simple shoot em-up game.
Technical key features :
• Using SpriteKit - Apple's 2D framework
• Use of SKSpriteNodes and SKActions
• Collision detection
Weather App

Weather App using REST APIs; JSON & GPS location data to retrieve the temperature & weather data
Technical key features :
• Alamofire to handle the HTTP networking
• SVProgress HUD to display progress whilst loading data
• Use of Core location
• Use of web based APIs to fetch data using API keys
• Parsing of data in JSON format and use of SwiftyJSON to handle the processing of Weather data

Bourne, Near Peterborough
07951 010595